Welcome to the Marin Beekeepers Club Site

We are people who share an avid interest in honey and native bees.  Most members are small scale beekeepers. We have a wide range of interests, covering bee biology, pollination, survivor stock bee breeding, health aspects of bee products, international beekeeping, and other bee-related topics.

We welcome you to attend our meetings and to become a member.

Monthly meetings are typically on the first Thursday of the month.  Meetings usually feature a knowledgeable speaker and/or project and includes informal sharing of information by members throughout the meeting ($10 donation for non-members).

Meetings are a good way to learn about beekeeping.

Please consider becoming a member (whether you have bees or not).  Membership costs $25 per calendar year and includes free admission to all meetings, access to the Club’s honey and extracting equipment, and subscription to the Club’s “MarinBuzz” listserv which facilitates online discussions and a way to notify Club member of local bee swarm information.